
Public Collections:

Albuquerque Museum of Art & History, Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Museum Foundation, Albuquerque, NM

City of Santa Fe Permanent Collection, Genoveva Chavez Community Center. Santa Fe, NM

City of Albuquerque Permanent Art Collection, Albuquerque NM

Curry County Fairgrounds/Special Events Center. Clovis, NM

Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO

El Museo Convento, Espanola, NM 

Freedom Museum (911 Memorial at Ground Zero), New York, NY

Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, NM

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Grand Junction, CO

Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM

Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Santa Fe, NM

National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM

National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, IL

State of New Mexico Permanent Art Collection

St. Nicholas Center, Holland, MI

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Santa Fe, NM

Taylor Museum, Colorado Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, CO

Selected Honors & Awards:

2022: New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts
2019: United States Artists Fellow in Traditional Arts
2017: The Folk Art Society of America Artist Award of Distinction
2017: Traditional Spanish Market: Best in Category Innovations within tradition.
2017: Traditional Spanish Market: First Place Bultos en Nicho & Honorable Mention Painted Bultos.
2017: Traditional Spanish Market: Purchase Award Museum of Spanish Colonial Art.
2016: Traditional Spanish Market: Best in Category Innovations within tradition.
2015: PBS Television Colores Aired May 16th 2015
2015: City of Santa Fe Mayor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts - Mayor Javier M. Gonzales
2015: Semifinalist, Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2016
          National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Instution  - Washington D.C.

2014: Second place, Painted Bultos Santa Fe Traditional Spanish Market
2012: Grant from the NEA to Currate “The Fine Folk of New Mexico” City of Santa Fe Arts Commision. 2012: Judges Choice Award: La Exposición de Arte - Southwest Care Center
2011: Winter Spanish Market: Boeckman Award for New Directions
2011: Traditional Spanish Market: Boeckman Award for New Directions
2011: Commission to create a 2.5 foot image of The Sacred Heart of mary for the Immaculate Heart of
          Mary Parish in Grand Junction, CO
2010: 1st Place Bultos en Nicho Traditional Spanish Market
2010: Selected as Portrait artist for 2010 Notable New Mexican (Astronaut Colonel Sidney M. Guiterrez)
          Albuquerque Museum Foundation
2009: 1st Place Bultos en Nicho, Florence Dibell Bartlett Award, Traditional Spanish Market
          Collaboration Award (with wife Bernadette)
2008: Commissioned to create a 4.5 foot image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the Shrine of Our Lady of
          Guadalupe Parish in Santa Fe, NM.
2008: 1st Place Wood Relief Award Traditional Spanish Market
2007: Second Place Altar Screen Award Traditional Spanish Market
2007: Boeckman Award for New Directions Traditional Spanish Market 
2006: Purchase Award by Museum of Spanish Colonial Art
2006: Second place, Bultos en Nicho Traditional Spanish Market
2006: Honorable Mention Painted Bultos Traditional Spanish Market
2005: Artist Collaboration Award (with wife Bernadette) Traditional Spanish Market
2004: Directors’ Choice Award Traditional Spanish Market
2004: Second place, Painted Bultos Santa Fe Traditional Spanish Market
2004: Selected for the Official Poster of the 2005 54th Annual Spanish Market
2002: Florence Dibell Bartlett Award, Traditional Spanish Market
2002: Honorable Mention Bultos, New Mexico State Fair
2001: Second place Bultos en Nicho, Traditional Spanish Market
2001: Alan and Ann Vedder Award, Traditional Spanish Market
2001: Honorable Mention Bultos, New Mexico State Fair 2000: Third Place Bultos, New Mexico State Fair
2001: Recognition for Enhancing Quality of Life in New Mexico, Secretary of State

Solo Exhibitions:

2022: “Pillars of Strength  King Galleries Santa Fe, NM
2012: New Work - Arthur Lopez Manitou Galleries, Santa Fe, NM
2008: “Con la Tinta de Mi Sangre,” new bultos, Parks Gallery, Taos, NM
2008: “Arthur Lopez: A Sense of Place”, Museum of the Southwest, Midland Texas
2006: “Transforming Tradition, Preserving Faith,” Parks Gallery, Taos, NM
2004: “Donde Hay Luz,” Parks Gallery, Taos, NM
2003: “Pensamientos del Mundo,” Parks Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2024: La Luz de Taos. Couse-Sharpe Historic Site. June 14th-15th Taos, NM

2023: Into the Hourglass: Paño Arte from the Rudy Padilla Collection. Oct 6, 2023-April 14th 2024
           National Hispanic Cultural Center. Albuquerque, NM
2023: Son de Alla Son de Aca. Chicano Park Museum San Diego, CA Oct 7 2023 - 2024

2023: Aún Aquí: Spanish Colonial Contemporary June 3-Nov 15 - Couse-Sharpe Historic Site. Taos NM

2021: “Healing & the Art of Campassion (and the lack therof!)” American Visionary Art Museum
          Baltamore, MD
2021/23: “#Mask (pandemic exhibition)” Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM
                  May 30, 2021-Jan 15, 2023
2020: “Trails, Rails & Highways” Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Santa Fe, NM - Long term exhibit.
2019: "Dia De Muertos” - A Matter of Life, National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, Il Sept 20, - Dec, 8
2019: “Que Chola” National Hispanic Cultural Center Albuquerque, NM March 8th - Aug 4th

2018/19: “GenNext” Museum of Spanish Colonial Art Santa Fe, NM May4th 2018 - March 29th 2019
2017/18: “The High Art of Riding Low: Ranflas, Corazón E Inspiración” June 29, 2017 thru May 2018
“The Red That Colored the World” May 12 - August 20, El Paso Museum of Art El Paso, TX
2017: Mirror, Mirror: Photographs of Frida Kahlo May 6 - Oct 29 Museum of Spanish Colonial Art
“The Red That Colored the World” Jan 21 - April 15, Foosaner Art Museum Melbourne, FL
“The Train Must be Fed” Legacy of Fred Harvey in NM. June 24-Aug 25 SF Community Gallery NM
“Made in the Desert” Form & Concept May 27- Aug 22 2016 Santa Fe, NM
“Con Carino: Artists Inspired by Lowriders May 20-Oct 9, 2016 NM Museum of Art Santa Fe, NM
2015: “The Red That Colored the World” Oct 31,2015 -Feb 21, 2016 Bowers Museum Santa Ana, CA
2015: “Only In Albuquerque” March 3rd, Albuquerque Museum of Art & History Albuquerque, NM
2015: “The Red That Colored the World” May 17th Museum of International Folk Art Santa Fe, NM
2015: “Song of the West Contemporary Artists of New Mexico” curated with Anthony Hassett 
           KOHI-Kulturraum e.V. Werderstr. 47 76137 Karlsruhe Deutchland
2014: “The Saints From a Land So Remote” March 13th-May 3rd, LAProjects Landshut, Germany
2014: “Painting the Divine: Images of Mary in the New World” June 29, 2014 - March 29, 2015, New  
          Mexico History Museum SF, NM
2014: “The Wooden Menagerie: Made in New Mexico, April 6, 2014-February 15, 2015, Museum of 
          International Folk Art Santa Fe, NM
2013: San Pascual - National Hispanic Cultural Center Museum ABQ, NM Sept 29, -May 2014
2013: A Sisterhood of Saints - Oct 23, 2013 - January 1, 2014, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, SF, NM
2013: New Work - Arthur Lopez, Alvin Gil Tapia, Miguel Martinez, Manitou Galleries, SF, NM 
2013: 2nd International Triennale of Kogei - The Arts Grounded in Region, 21st Century Museum of   
         Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
2012: "The Fine Folk of NM-People, Places and Culture Through Art, Santa Fe Community Gallery, SF, NM 2011: "Western Horizons" Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO, Jan 6- Aug 28, 2011
2010: Coors National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO
2009: "Dime con quien andas" Arthur Lopez, Victor Goler, Nicholas Herrera. Parks Gallery, Taos, NM 2009: "New Works" Arthur Lopez and Ben McPherson July 1-15 Blue Rain Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2009: Coors National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO
2008: Coors National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO
2007: Coors National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO
2007: “Craft in America: Expanding Traditions” Contemporary Crafts Museum and Gallery, Portland, OR 2007:  Northern New Mexico Carvers, Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, NM
2005: “The Holy Dozen,” Blue Sage Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
2004: “Arte y Amistad: Selections from the Diane and Sandy Besser Collection of Contemporary 
           Hispanic Art,” Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM
2004: “Saints in the 21st Century,” Blue Sage Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
2004: “It Figures,” Addison/Parks Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2003: El Rancho de las Golondrinas Summer Festival
2002: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Indian/Spanish Fine Art Market 
2000: Museum of International Folk Art Santiago Exhibit Santa Fe, NM

Selected Publications:

2022: Cover Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican. July 29 Issue
Cover Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican. Dec 31 Issue
Cultural Convergence in NM, Honoring William Wroth by Robin Gavin & Donna Pierce.
          Museum of NM Press
Common Ground, ABQ Museum Art Collection by Josie Lopez, Lacey Chrisco, Andrew Connors

2019: Western Art & Architecture, June/July Issue Vol.13 No.3, Modern Day Saints by Melissa Mylchreest
2019: Cover Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican. April 12 Issue
2018/19: Santa Fean Magazine Holiday Issue. Arthur Lopez - Tradition Meets Today by Lisa Van
          Sickle2017: Cover Folk Art Messenger Vol. 27 No. 2 Spring/Summer 2017
2017: Cover New Mexico Magazine January Issue
2014: Contemporary Art of The Southwest by Ashley Rooney, Schiffer Publishing
2013: Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceaneras by Charles M. Tatum,
         Greenwood Publishing
2012: New Mexico Magazine July Issue The Saints Go Marching On, By Devon Jackson
2012: Southwest Art Magazine September Issue Show Preview By Mark Mussari
2011: The Traditional Spanish Market of Santa Fe. By Donna Pedace, Editor, Sunstone Press
2010: Santa Fe It’s 400th Year. Exploring the Past, Defining the Future. By Rob Dean, Editor, Sunstone Press 2010: Santa Fe One Heart Magazine Cover & Article July 2010 Issue
2009: On Collecting: From Private to Public. Featuring the Diane and Sandy Besser Collection, University of
          Washington Press
2009: Albuquerque Ghosts: Traditions, Legends, Lore. By Inara Cedrins. Schiffer Publishing 2009: Tempo
          Magazine Cover, Taos News, Nov 25 - Dec 2 issue
2008: Southwest Art Magazine Vol. 38, No. 6 November 2008
2008: Tempo Magazine Cover, Taos News, June 12 - 18 issue
2006: 100 Artists of the Southwest, Douglas Bullis, Schiffer Publishing
2006: La Herencia Cover, Volume 52 Winter 2006
2006: Tempo Magazine, Taos News, May 4 - 10 issue
2006: Pasatiempo, The New Mexican, May 5 - 11 issue
2005: 54th Spanish Market, Spanish Colonial Arts Society, Santa Fe, poster artist.
2005: “Saints and Seasons,” Ana Pacheco, La Herencia
2005: “Lack of Division Reveals Divides, Santa Fe Reporter, October 12 – 16, 2005
2004: Tempo Magazine, Taos News, December 9-15 issue
2004: Arts and Culture, Albuquerque Journal, December 9 issue
2004: Pasatiempo, The New Mexican, December 9 issue 
2003: Pasatiempo Cover, The New Mexican, May 23-29 issue
2003: Arts and Culture, Sunday Albuquerque Journal, May 25 issue 
2001: Tradicion Revista, fall issue
2000: Pasatiempo, July 21-27

Yearly Exhibitions:

Since 2000: Participant in  Summer Spanish Market - Santa Fe, NM
Since 2003: “Miniatures & More” The Albuquerque Museum of Art & History

© Arthur Lopez 2024                             Email:                    Phone: 505-986-9540